Fixed deposit
Fixed-term deposits are among the safest and most sought-after investment options
Fixed Deposit Advantages
Top fixed-term deposit comparison:
- Current fixed-term deposit comparison that presents you with the best conditions at a glance.
- Possibility to invest fixed-term deposits via a single account at different banks.
- No fees for account opening and account management.
- Fast and uncomplicated online identification using the video identification process.
Fixed interest investments
Flex money
Company fixed deposit
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a fixed deposit?
How high are the interest rates on fixed deposits?
Achieve even better returns through the staircase strategy
For medium to long-term fixed deposits, the interest rates are generally higher than for overnight money and short-term fixed deposits. The consumer organization Stiftung Warentest recommends the staircase strategy for savers who want the highest possible interest rate on fixed deposit investments without having to tie up all of their assets for the maximum term. This investment strategy often makes it possible to achieve a higher return while at the same time keeping the fixed deposit relatively readily available.
The staircase strategy involves investing the money in equal amounts with different terms. Terms of one to five years are recommended. For example, an investment sum of 25,000 euros could be invested in five tranches of 5,000 euros each for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. As soon as the first fixed deposit expires after one year, the amount is invested for a further 5 years at the highest interest rate. This process is repeated annually with the investments that mature.
Choosing the right term for fixed-term deposits
The term of a fixed deposit is the period of time in which savers invest their money with a bank. During this time, they usually cannot access the investment amount. The bank only transfers the total amount, including interest, back to the reference account at the end of the term. However, savers have the option of expanding their investment or switching to other investment products.
The terms for fixed deposits range from a few months to ten years. A fixed deposit with a term of up to one year is considered a short-term investment, while investments of up to five years are considered medium-term. Anything beyond that counts as a long-term fixed deposit. The choice of term depends largely on personal savings goals. Fixed deposits with terms of three to ten years can be particularly attractive for investors who can do without part of their savings for a longer period, as banks usually offer higher interest rates for longer terms. However, those who want to remain flexible and do not want to tie up their savings for too long should focus on fixed deposits with short to medium-term terms of no more than two years. Although interest income tends to be lower during these periods, the money can be made available again more quickly.
For whom is a fixed-term deposit account worthwhile?
A fixed-term deposit account is ideal for savers who want to invest their money profitably and safely over a set period of time. The interest rates on fixed-term deposit accounts remain stable throughout the entire term and are therefore independent of interest rate fluctuations. Investors who do not need their savings for a longer period of time should therefore consider attractive fixed-term deposit offers. By comparing fixed-term deposit accounts, savers can choose the best options from a wide range of products.
Investing in fixed-term deposits via Heveller Finanz GmbH
Saving with your local bank used to be easy: you could safely invest your money in a savings account and receive interest. But in the current low interest rate phase, many savers are wondering where they can still find acceptable interest rates. To solve this problem, a new department was founded in 2022 that offers German investors direct access to attractive fixed-term deposit accounts from European banks.
Investing in fixed-term deposits with a European bank is as straightforward as with your own bank. The banks benefit from savings because they do not have to maintain their own branches, which enables us to offer higher interest rates. Savers can still find profitable investment opportunities through Heveller Finanz GmbH, as our German interest portal presents fixed-term deposits from all over Europe. Our service is free of charge for you, as the financing is provided by commissions from the banks for deposits brokered. The account or fixed-term deposit with our partner banks is also free of charge.