Your assets in safe hands
Fixed interest investments
Flex money
Company fixed deposit
Your experts for safe investments
Together for success
- Competence and experience: Take advantage of our in-depth specialist knowledge and our many years of expertise in the financial sector.
- Individual advice: Personalized investment strategies that are tailored precisely to your needs.
- Diverse investment opportunities: A wide range of options for every type of investor.
- Transparency and security: Understandable information and high security precautions thanks to European deposit protection.
- Innovation: Access to modern financial products and technologies.
Why should you invest in fixed deposits?
The advantages of fixed-term deposits:
Security and predictability:
Attractive conditions through strong partnerships:
Individual investment solutions:
Simple and transparent processes:
Sicherheit und Planbarkeit:
Festgeld bietet Ihnen sichere und vorhersehbare Erträge. Im Gegensatz zu schwankungsanfälligen Anlageformen wie Aktien bleibt Ihr Kapital geschützt, und Sie profitieren über die gesamte Laufzeit von festen Zinsen.
Attraktive Konditionen durch starke Partnerschaften:
Dank unserer Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Partnerbanken können wir Ihnen exklusive Festgeldangebote anbieten. Durch diese Partnerschaften erhalten wir Sonderkonditionen, die wir direkt an Sie weitergeben.
Individuelle Anlagelösungen:
Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Festgeldanlagen, die sich an Ihren finanziellen Zielen und der gewünschten Anlagedauer orientieren. Egal, ob kurz-, mittel- oder langfristig – wir haben die passende Lösung für Sie.
Einfache und transparente Prozesse:
Die Investition in Festgeld bei uns ist unkompliziert und transparent. Sie erhalten klare Informationen zu den Konditionen, und wir begleiten Sie durch jeden Schritt des Investitionsprozesses.
Profitieren Sie von sicheren und attraktiven Renditen mit Festgeldanlagen, unterstützt durch unsere Expertise und die exklusiven Konditionen unserer Partnerbanken.
Free offers
Use our interest calculator to calculate how your investment will develop
- Above-average interest rates on fixed-term deposits
- Guaranteed top interest rates at leading European banks
- EU deposit guarantee up to 100,000 euros according to the European Deposit Guarantee Act (EinSig)
- Contractually agreed interest rates remain unchanged and are independent of market fluctuations
- Free and non-binding offers for fixed-term deposits
- Free customer service and account management, no hidden processing fees
Registration form
Our customers
Reviews from satisfied customers

Since 2022, TÜV has been auditing the service quality of the Heveller Finanz GmbH headquarters every year. In 2023, TÜV audited the service of the Heveller Finanz GmbH headquarters for clients and consultants and awarded it the “TÜV-certified ServiceExcellence” seal.
ISO 27001 stands for ISO/IEC 27001, a globally recognized standard for an information security management system (ISMS).
Honor for the “Club of the Best 2023”
The TÜV certified the Heveller Finanz GmbH consulting quality in 2022 and 2023. Since 2022, TÜV has been auditing the service quality of the Heveller Finanz GmbH headquarters every year. In 2022 and 2023, TÜV audited the service of the Heveller Finanz GmbH headquarters for clients and consultants and awarded it the “TÜV-certified ServiceExcellence” seal.
By awarding the platinum ranking as a “Best Practice Company”, the magazine “Die Welt” also recognizes the pronounced service orientation and exemplary processes at Heveller Finanz GmbH.
Heveller Finanz GmbH is particularly proud of the customer rating of “very good” in the fairness ranking of the business magazine FOCUS MONEY. Being Germany’s fairest financial advisory company is primarily due to the convincing working methods of the Heveller Finanz GmbH advisors.
Our advice according to the Heveller Finanz GmbH system is not only fair, but offers our clients the “strongest financial support” in the industry. With characteristics such as correctness, freedom from errors and usefulness, we impress with absolute top marks in the current FOCUS MONEY study.